Tuesday, July 8, 2008

HCTF Q&A: Regarding Moore

1. What's your show?
Regarding Moore / Nick Hwang & Christine Baniewicz, autors / featuring Mike Sage and Kayla Herrington, actors

2. Describe your show in under 20 words.
English professor Steven Moore confronts two conflicting forces: his recent literary fame and his relationship with a 19-year-old student.

3. Who should definitely be in the audience for your show?
Anyone intersted in musical theatre would enjoy this production; playwrites/musicians with questions about the process of co-writing a musical; audiences interested in seeing new theatre; supporters of student work.

4. Who should definitely NOT be in the audience for you show?
Young children--due to suggestive subject matter; audiences expecting a completely finished work.

5. What's the one thing you want people to know about your show?
It's the best musical in the festival! :)

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