Friday, June 27, 2008

6.27.2008 Question of the Day

This one's for the participants past and present...

What's one thing you hope people come to appreciate about local theatre from attending HCTF?


Anonymous said...

I'd love for people to come away from the festival appreciating the scope of local theatre. The slate this year's festival really rflects the diversity of the writers and artists in Lafayette

Duncan said...

What Cody said... and beyond the richness of scope, the obvious trend of there being more of a 'community' in community theater. Area theater now can boast of a much higher profile on the local cultural calendar, as evidenced by Marie Diaz's excellent "Acadiana Theater Happenings" website, and the Times of Acadiana granting local theater its own page (!) edited by Cody. The HCTF is just more evidence of local theater taking a step up in prominence, becoming more of a destination and a worthy and more visible player on the local cultural scene. YAY!