Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Welcome to the HCTF 2008 blog!

From here through the end of this year's festival, the blog will serve as an online gathering place for participants, festival staff, and theatregoers to connect and discuss the shows and events of HCTF 2008.

Features of the blog will include:
-- Q&As with show creators, giving you some insight into the pieces you'll see at HCTF 2008/
-- "Question of the Day," to generate some conversation about the work we're all doing to prepare for festival.
-- posts with photos of our shows in progress
-- updates from HCTF staff on how the festival is going
-- some other surprises along the way!

Also, look for the blog to be an integral part of the festival itself -- it will be updated live throughout the festival with feedback, audience notes, and other fun items.

It's going to be a terrific HCTF this year, so let's get blogging!

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