Monday, July 7, 2008

07.07.08 Question of the Day

HCTF 2008 is just a few days away. For our former participants and festivalgoers, what advice would you give newcomers to HCTf about enjoying the festival?


Anonymous said...

Participate fully! Some of the things I enjoyed most last year were in-the-moment surprises: the writer's roundtable discussions, "The Yarn" storytelling event which is still a memorable highlight. Cody's "Abundance," John Patrick Bray's "Goodnight Loving Trail," Jarin's "Welcome to My Whale." This year's festival offers something for the kids, this blog, and a way for festival goers to write a play!... but the point is, you might miss some fabulousness if you don't take it all in! Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Hang out in the cafe between shows. One of my favorite things last year was heading to the cafe after a show and talking to people who'd been there since the start of the festival. There really was a little HCTF 2007 community, and it was excellent. Grab a water, talk to someone about the show you just saw... you'll enjoy the festival that much more.

Anonymous said...

See everything. Be open to new experiences. Spend some time listening to the writers. Bring a friend and spread the word.